SaaS Funding & Financial Health in the US vs. Europe

As the SaaS funding window reopens and capital markets further stabilize, the future of SaaS funding is still opaque in many ways. With the bar for VC funding higher than ever, SaaS companies in the US and Europe alike are seeking alternative forms of financing in larger numbers.
Trusted by over 5,000 partners & customers

What's in this report?

We analyzed metrics from hundreds of growing SaaS companies across the US and Europe to compare their financial health, fundraising goals, and funding options. To give you a preview of what’s ahead: European companies are vastly underserved when it comes to funding, in spite of having better financial health overall.

Metrics we’ll examine in this report include:

  • Retention Rates (Logo and MRR)
  • Client Lifetime Value (LTV)
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) per Logo
  • LTV/CAC Ratio
  • Net Margins
  • Rule of 40 (R40)
  • Cash Flow from Financing
  • Leverage (Debt vs. Equity)
  • Liquidity

Grow without dilution

Access equity-free financing to fund your growth, with cash-flow-friendly repayment options.

Fast capital

Access the funding your business needs in as little as 48 hours, with no restrictions on use and a capacity that grows with your ARR. Only pay for what you use, making it 50% more cost-efficient than alternatives.

Longer, flexible terms

Repayment terms of 3-24 months, depending on your needs. Less pressure on cash flow with flexible options offering reduced or no initial repayments.

Trusted & transparent

No hidden fees, warrants, covenants, or security interest. And no dilution, ever. A personal Growth Advisor as your advocate and partner, providing ongoing feedback on your metrics and best offers.