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Non Participating Preferred Shares

What areNon Participating Preferred Shares

Understanting Non Participating Preferred Shares

Non participating preferred shares are a class of preferred stock that gives shareholders preference over common shareholders in the distribution of assets and earnings, typically through dividends. However, unlike participating preferred shares, these do not entitle the holder to dividends beyond the fixed rate, even if a company experiences higher than expected growth or profits.

Non participating preferred shares guarantee a specific return usually in the form of dividends. This feature makes them less volatile and potentially less lucrative compared to participating shares for shareholders in a booming economy. However, in a downturn or liquidation scenario, they provide more security as they are prioritized over common shares.

Why are Non Participating Preferred Shares Important for SaaS Companies?

SaaS companies often attract investors through various rounds of funding. Offering non participating preferred shares can be an attractive option for both the company and the investor. For the company, it provides lower equity dilution, allowing the founders and early employees to retain more control. On the investor's side, it offers a stable return and assurance that their investment is prioritized during liquidation.

In the SaaS model, steady funding and stable investor relations are key. Non participating preferred shares help in creating an avenue for securing essential capital without the risk of giving away too much business equity. This can assist SaaS companies in maintaining a positive cash burn rate and supporting their runway efficiently.

How to Compute Returns on Non Participating Preferred Shares

Calculating the potential returns from non participating preferred shares primarily involves understanding the fixed dividend rate and the potential returns on investment in various scenarios, such as liquidation or regular dividend payout periods.

The principal amount invested in non participating preferred shares entitles the holder to a predetermined dividend payment. For instance, if an investor holds $1,000,000 in non participating preferred shares with a 5% annual dividend, they would receive $50,000 annually in dividends, irrespective of the company’s performance beyond this fixed rate.

This guaranteed return can affect a company’s dilution strategy and ensure predictable budgeting and financial planning.


Non participating preferred shares can serve as a strategic tool for SaaS companies aiming to balance investor satisfaction with managerial control. They offer a stable return to investors, limiting the exacerbation of equity dilution for companies. Understanding nuances like these can empower companies and investors to engage in funding relationships that foster growth while safeguarding both parties' interests.

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